T-Ball, Baseball, Softball

The Wayne County Parks & Recreation Department offers exciting t-ball/baseball/softball programs that provide an opportunity for youth to participate in a fun, organized, and safe environment. Emphasis is placed on the enjoyment of playing the game while learning basic skills.

The season runs from late March through mid-May. Playoffs begin the week after the regular season followed by District and State GRPA Allstar competition. Regular season games are played on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays. Saturday games are possible. Older-aged leagues play occasionally on Wednesdays. Team hat and jersey are provided by the Wayne County Parks & Recreation Department.

Please note there are NO exceptions to the age control date. No child will be allowed to play out of his/her age category.

WCRD requires that all participants have a copy of their birth certificate on file to participate in any and all programs.

T-Ball Ages: 4 – 6

Softball Ages: 4 – 17

Baseball Ages:  4 – 17

Control Date: Boys & Girls  Age PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 1st of the current year. 

Fees: $40

Would you like to coach? 

Be sure to fill out the coaches application completely and return it to WCRD office asap!



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Contact Information

Location: 400 Hinson Mosley Rd, Jesup, Ga. 31545

Phone: (912) 427-5915

Fax: (912) 427-5945.

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